ATS®Dance Fundamentals (Beginner - Level 1): 

Learn the ATS basics in this 6 week course by drilling in fun combinations. Using both fast and slow movements,  we’ll get you dancing in your first class! All basic movement and troupe formations including dance posture, body awareness, zils, and music are covered. Zills (finger cymbals) are required for week 3.  ***Drop-ins are welcome at any time during this course at the drop in rate. There is enough review built in to each week to keep you moving!
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ATS® Drills (Advanced - Level 3): 

This class is not taught in cycle format. Please check with your instuctor about your skill level before joining this class. We will continue to add to our slow and fast ATS movement vocabulary using the full range of variations and movements. We’ll focus on techniques for intermediate and advanced steps used in ATS as well as stage presence, presentation, etiquette, and group dynamics.  ***You must have experience in Dance Fundamentals (Level 1) and Tribal Combinations (Level 2). Instructor approval required.
Tribal Combinations for ATS® (Intermediate - Level 2):  In this 12 week course, we’ll concentrate  on refining individual technique by drilling basic steps and  variations in unique and creative combinations. We will build on to our slow and fast ATS movement vocabulary. ***To take this class, you must understand partner and group dancing (see Level 1). It is recommended that  Level I Dance Fundamentals be completed prior to attending Level II; you may take both Level I and Level II simultaneously once Level I has been completed at least once. Zils are  required

Improv ATS®Choreography (Advanced - Level 4): 

This class is not taught in cycle format  and is by invitation only. Working in duet,trio and chorus formations, set up choreographies using the full range of movements. ***You must have  experience in Dance Fundamentals (Level 1), Tribal Combinations (Level 2), and ATS Drills (Level 3) to join this class. Instructor approval required.

Class Fees:

Class Fees: $15 drop-in 1 hour class $18 drop-in 1.25 and 1.5 hour classes $40 for 4 1-hour class sessions (when paid in advance)** Private lessons and workshops available upon request - please concact your instructor for rates and locations! **Classes not used within the month are forfeit. Classes do NOT transfer to the following month.

If paid for in advance monthly, classes are $10 per class. This is non-

refundable once paid in advance; if you do not attend classes during that

month, this fee does not forward to the next section of classes and will

expire at the end of the month. Payment is due the first class of each

month. You are always welcome to drop-in to classes and pay as you do so;

drop in fee is $12 per class.

ATS®Class Attire:

Full skirt or loose pants, hip scarf, short top or leotard (just wear something comfortable that allows the instructor to be able to see your body and movements easily.) Bare feet only in dance studio. You will need a pair of zills (finger cymbals. Please let your instructor know if you need to know where to purchase a set.)

Classes & Workshops

Classes start promptly. Please arrive 10-15 minutes prior to class start. Studio opens 15-30 minutes before each class. Come on in and get ready to dance! Studio capacity is 30 people per session, we close the class when there are 30 students in the studio. So…please arrive on time to secure a space! Observe a class! You are always welcome to observe a class; if you’ve never taken a belly dance class and want to see what we’re about, check out ATS® Dance Fundamentals (Level 1). If you’ve completed 6 weeks of Level 1 and want to know about Level 2? Observe Tribal Combinations for ATS®. Wondering what happens in Level 3? Ask your instructor for class times for ATS® Drills and Improv. Our classes are for adult women only (18 years and older.) We occasionally make exceptions for serious dancers. Please contact your instructor for more information. For insurance purposes, children are not allowed in the studio or unattended in the waiting area. We do not provide childcare.
A FatChanceBellyDance® Sister Studio Jen Cerdena Classes & Workshops